Course curriculum

    1. World Trade Center Denver introduction from Karen Gerwitz, President and CEO

    2. Why is trade important, history and challenges

    3. Why is trade important Quiz

    4. What is International Trade? Open and Closed Economies

    5. What is International Trade? Quiz

    1. What is Strategy?

    2. What is strategy quiz

    3. Global Market Selection

    4. Global Market Selection quiz

    1. Sales and Marketing

    2. Operations: Sales and Marketing quiz

    3. Purchasing, Procurement, Shipping and Distribution

    4. Purchasing, Procurement, Shipping and Distribution quiz

    5. Quick Check-In

    1. Export Compliance

    2. Export Compliance quiz

    3. Import Compliance

    4. Import Compliance quiz

    1. Thank you for taking Introduction to International Trade Course

    1. Sign up for Certificate of International Trade (CIT)

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content